樂器週邊 Behringer XL1600 大型錄音座 錄音器
Behringer XL1600 大型錄音座


適合現場演出LIVE表演 Behringer XL1600 大型錄音座 只要30000

合適LIVE HOUSE,PUB,演唱會音樂勾當利用

Ultra-low noise, high-headroom analog mixer for live, front-of-house, monitor, corporate and touring audio applications
12 state-of-the-art XENYX PRO Mic Preamps plus 4 stereo Line inputs with ultra-high RFI suppression designed for live application
Neo-classic "British" 4-band EQs with 2 semi-parametric mid bands for warm and musical sound
4 Subgroup outputs with inserts plus 2 independent main outputs with inserts on Main A
6 Aux sends per channel: 4 pre/post fader switchable for flexible routing
Channel inserts and direct outputs on each mono channel
Clip and Signal LEDs plus 80 Hz, EQ, Mute, Solo, Subgroup and Main routing switches on all channels
2 multi-functional stereo FX returns with comprehensive routing options
2 Headphone and Speaker outputs with selectable Main/CD/Tape inputs
Solo-In-Place with PFL/AFL function plus full-featured Talkback section
Long-wearing 60 mm logarithmic-taper faders and sealed rotary controls
Internal autorange power supply for maximum flexibility (100 – 240 V~), noise-free audio, superior transient response plus low power consumption for energy saving
High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life

樂器週邊 Behringer XL1600 大型錄音座 錄音器
Behringer XL1600 大型錄音座


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