各式樂器 Ukulele烏克麗麗21吋(夏威夷小吉他)紫色 Ukulele 烏克麗麗
附贈烏克麗麗袋 Ukulele烏克麗麗21吋(夏威夷小吉他)紫色 只要799元
紫色21吋烏克麗麗Ukulele 21吋烏克麗麗Ukulele 合適初學烏克麗麗者,勤學易上手! 色彩:紫色 琴格:12格 附贈:21吋烏克麗麗袋子 關於Ukulele: 源自於葡萄牙的小樂器,自推出以來,由於輕易彈奏取得歡迎,以迷你的體積,五彩繽紛的琴體利誘很多消費者的心,坊間音樂補習班也為它開班講課 初期出名的重唱組合"優客李林"手上的伴吹打器就是烏客麗麗~ 烏克麗麗琴身有四條弦線,彈奏時手段放鬆共同樂曲前後撥動便可以彈出本身的烏克氣概! The Mahalo U30G Soprano Ukulele in White is a great quality entry range uke suitable for beginners of all age. Ukuleles are becoming very popular in schools across the country, starting to replace recorder as the entry level instrument. They’re proving to be hugely successful instruments in classrooms as they’re fun and allow children to progress on to other stringed instruments such as guitar. Laminated Ukulele with nylon strings. Adjustable machine heads. 12 frets. Matching bag. Ideal and inexpensive present for anyone, particularly for youngsters |
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